Don Lubbers Regatta - a Recap!
Though the second day of racing was cancelled, the team saw some great performances at Don Lubbers in Michigan April 8th. The MV8 finished second in their heat with a time of 6:21:8 following MSU with a time of 6:04.5. Later that morning both novice teams showed a dominating performance - the MN8 finished first with a time of 6:30.8, edging out the MSU and Purdue. The NW8 displayed equal dominance, finishing first with a time of 7:32.7 followed by Marquette with a time of 7:51.4. The final races of this half featured the Men's Open 4 and Women's Open 4. The MO4 raced the Michigan 2 boat, finishing 2nd with a time of 8:33.8. The WO4 raced Drake, and EMU, finishing 3rd with a time of 8.25.4. The second half saw slightly worse conditions, but equally fierce races, with 2nd place finishes for the MO4 (8:39.6), WN8(7:35.7), and WO4(8:31.0). The MN8 finished in front of Purdue and behind Michigan with a time of 6:31.2; the most exciting race was the last race, featuring the MV8, finishing a mere 1.3 seconds behind Case Western with a time of 6:22.5. The team will continue to prepare for upcoming races, including ACRA Henley and the ACRA national championships!